Tuesday, February 1, 2011

On the GO!

Now that Griffin is coming up on 10 months, it occurs to me that he is NEVER going to slow down from here.  He is only going to get FASTER.  This terrifies me!  I already have trouble keeping up with him as he crawls from room to room, but now that he is almost ready to take his first steps, I know that my job is only going to get tougher and more nerve wrecking!  Griffin has been pulling up on furniture for some time now and walking along the sides of the coffee table, couches, and pretty much anything else he can get his little hands on.  He attempted to take his first steps to me the other night, but was unsuccessful.  He ended up flat on his bottom, but I must say I was a proud momma watching him try. 

Griffin is growing fast!  He is eating 'people' food now.  His favorites are chicken nuggets and yogurt.  The whole time he is eating them, he is kicking his feet up going "mmm, mmm, mmm."  Sometimes I have to taste it just to make sure I’m not missing out on something!  He also loves his walker.  Mostly because he gets where he wants to go FAST.  His other favorite thing to do is play chase with his plastic hammer.  He throws it around the house crawling after it again, and again, and again, and again.  It never gets old for him!  I guess that’s one of the joys of being  a baby.  Here are some recent pics of my silly monkey.  Enjoy :)

Being silly! Brushing my teeth in the laundry basket.

Hammer Time!  Chasing it...again!

Ready to let go...almost!

Enjoying a graham cracker..another favorite.

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