Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Griffin is 6 months old!

This past week, Griffin turned 6 months old. 
It’s hard to believe that we have been parents for 6 months.

Changing diapers for 6 months.

Feeding and caring for something for 6 months.

And had our world turned upside down for 6 months! 

I have to say though, that these have been the best 6 months of my life!  He makes me laugh, cry, and love more than I ever thought I could!  At his 6 month check up, we learned that Griffin is in the 15th percentile for his weight.  This explains why clothes fall off of the little guy.  He is SKINNY!  He makes up for his weight with his length of 27.2 inches.  This puts him in the 70th percentile for length. Griffin has started to scoot, attempted to crawl, and has almost mastered sitting up.  He also got his very first tooth last week.  When he smiles, you can almost catch a glimpse of it every now and then.  Dr. Cope just started him on baby food and don't faint when I tell you this...but I started making my own!  I have had so much fun with it and never knew how easy (and inexpensive) it could be!  So far, I've mastered carrots, bananas, and zucchini.  Griffin sure does love it!  Hopefully with some solids in his diet, he will start to chunk up a little!  I'm sure he'll be crawling all over the place soon, but until then I am going to hold him for as long as I can.  He is the sweetest thing ever and makes me happier than I ever imagined I could be!


  1. Your little boy is so precious! I just found your blog through Kristy's (went to high school w/ her and your husband). My youngest son will be 6 months in a week. Time really does fly doesn't it!
